Monday, July 29, 2013

Eleventh Commandment - Thou Shall Not Cosplay

Time To Get Back To My Original Thought

My apologies for taking so long to get back to another post, the end of the week went very well and didn't have time to publish this post.  No....don't ask why I would give up on my duties as a (hopefully) future writer.  I won't get into the details.  No....stop asking why ass.....onto the blog.

I actually came up with the idea for this article after reading a few Twitter feeds from HijinksEnsue and the wonderful Mr. Wil Wheaton.  Pictures of protestors outside the San Diego Comic Con (SDCC for short) have passed by my desk before; however, this time I would like to write about it.

I'm a Man of My Word......Now With the Assclowns
Now, before I start down this road, I would like to point out that I DO NOT have an issue with the protest itself.  All Americans, and yes, I mean ALL of them, have a right to voice their opinion when they see fit.  If I wanted to stand in front of the local Wal-Mart and protest the selling of Tapout Shirts to overgrown and over baked douchebags, that is my American right.  If I wanted to protest a Skrillex Concert for crimes against music, I could do that too.

What point am I trying to make?  The point I am trying to get across is that the examples I just gave you are utterly ridiculous (well, except for Skrillex, his music makes me want to vomit fecal matter).  Furthermore, the protests being conducted in front of SDCC are just as ridiculous.  I haven't actually viewed any of the protests in front of SDCC, however, all the conventions I have attended (Gencon, Megacon, Dragoncon) never had any protestors in the general vicinity. 

I Achieve Orgasm by Rubbing My Dick Against My iPad

Why do I find these protests ridiculous???  Let me explain.  From what I have read across the interwebs, the main reason that numerous individuals are protesting the largest comic convention in the United States is because they believe attendees are worshiping "false idols."  Yep, you heard correctly, they have a sticks in their asses because they believe watching geeky television and reading graphic novels is the worship of "false idols."  Groups of people getting together to reenact their favorite video games or movies is seen as sinful and must be stopped right away!

Super Mario Bros.  Still A Better Story Than Twilight

Normally, I would just shake my head and say they are just wasting their time.  However, as I started to think, many of the characters that are found in comics/movies/anime resemble some the of the characters from the Bible.  Thinking back to my Sunday school days, I distinctly remember being taught about several individuals who (supposedly) did miraculous things in the name of God and Faith.  Can you think of any?  Here, let me give you a few examples:

1) Lazarus of Bethany - That pimp was the first zombie
2) Moses - Parting the Sea and whooping some ass, that sounds like a nomination for the X-Men
3) Samson - Super strong and beat the shit out of an army with the jaw of a donkey, he should team up with the Avengers

Xavier Will Have to Let Me in Now!!!!

I could give many more examples but I think you are getting the point that I am trying to make.  Reading comics/graphic novels is the same as reading the Bible.  Yes, the bible serves as a "tome" for faiths all around the world, but admiring these "supposed" people in history is the same as reading about your favorite hero/villain.  Furthermore, and if I remember correctly, churches and classes in church wanted you to look up to these Biblical Characters as life lessons.

I could continue to write and write about this particular subject; especially when it comes to the hypocrisy of the church, however, I have more important things that I would like to write about.

Ooooooooooooo, Justin Bieber is in Town!

I leave you with this, stop worrying about other people and start worrying about yourself.  It does you no good to judge a person for what they like or the life they have chosen.  Instead, focus on you and you alone.  By doing this, you might see the world in a different light.

Let's All Scream Bullshit!


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