Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Beginning

Greetings Fellow Assholes!!!!

I finally got off my ass and started the blog that I have been thinking about for the past few months.  This journey out of procrastination/laziness was mostly inspired by a dear friend of mine (at this time will remain nameless, Chin Rub) and the sudden urge to share my thoughts/rants/events with a small group of people. 

A former hobby of mine was to post my current views on FB, Twitter, and other social media sites.  However, several individuals have decided to remove me from their lives due to my views. Soooooo, I will use this site to express my views on EVERYTHING and hope that some of my friends/family will just choose to ignore it.

Awwwww, Did That Hurt?

OK, let's get things stared!!! 

What will I talk about?  I'm glad you asked......

Oh Shit!!!!  Here It Comes!!!!!
This Blog will serve as a journal, a map of sorts, of the current events going on in my life and my views on daily events.  I am hoping to post 2-3 times a week; however, with my current schedule consisting of work, school, being a dad, and pissing people off.....that might be pushing it.  These posts, stories, opinions could be part of some daily event, something that happened in my life, or something that just popped into my brain.

Now, my first blog is not here to just "explain" my aspirations for this tool of bitching and complaining.  I will give you a taste of what I plan to write.  This list will serve as a small glimmer of what to expect in the future (or when I get bored and decide to do something else.....SQUIRREL!!)

1) Me, Myself, and I:  Part of this blog will be dedicated to the man of the hour; Mr. Awesome, DRock, D, Asshole, Shithead.........in short, me.  Yes, I know, that sounds kind of lame.  What type of writer would sit there and write about himself; that's like M. Night Shyamalan level shittiness.  However, my hope is to have readers take the lessons from my life events and do something great with their lives.

I Make Sucking Ass Look Good Bitches

In Truth, I'm kind of at rock bottom right now.  And several key events/decisions have led to this unfortunate state of my life.  I won't go into full details right now, but, over the next few months, I hope to share several key mistakes in hopes that you will avoid them.  Now, does this part of the blog reflect my title and introduction.  Yes and No.  I WILL BE critical on myself and share the changes that I have made.......and along the way, bitch about the other things.

2) Religion: Let's get something straight RIGHT NOW.  I respect other people's beliefs and values, I respect that people/society has a higher faith than others.  However, the whole notion of Religion and the organizations that run it just pisses me off.  I could have an entire blog dedicated to this, but decided that I can just add my rants and jabs to this blog every once in a while.

Friends/Family that decide to read this.....I warn you NOW, I will be highly critical of religion and religious organizations.  So if this turns you off from reading my blog, so be it.  I'm not here to sugar coat anything.

3) Media: Media.......more like manipulating the uneducated and simple minded.  Unfortunately, our society has grown into a bunch of pussies who can't think for themselves.  9/10, when a person turns on the news, they will believe whatever they are told.  This has led to the current decline of our country and why we have certain people in political office.

Just a warning.....my next blog post will be on the George Zimmerman Trial and how the Media manipulated facts to lead the general public to outrage.

March, You Fucking Lemmings, March!!!

4) Politics/Politicians: YES YES YES!!!!!!  I will be talking about our country's current political situation and the cesspool of douchebags that we have chosen to run our country.

Now, just to avoid future questions, I don't side with Democrat, Republican, Tea Baggers, Corporaters, Lobbyists, AssHats, or the people that have no idea what they are talking about. 

Again, I don't want to get into full details and will save that for future posts.

5) Sweet and Low:  Oh Yeah, I'm going there.  The one thing that pisses me off is the current "protection" of Sweet and Low Packets.  Why is it, everytime I walk into a restaurant, they have all the sugars sitting out, but I have to ASK for Sweet and Low?  WHY?  Why the fuck are you protecting that alternative sugary goodness.  And another thing......why is it when I ask for packets of Sweet and Low, the waiter/waitress will only bring out 2?!  Thanks Vaj Waffle, these two packets will really last me during my entire meal.

Ok.......I got that out of my system, however, I plan on discussing this a whole lot more.....with graphs and shit.   Yes........oh yes...

Well, I hope you have enjoyed my initial/first blog.  If not, I don't give a shit.  I'm not for everybody, my views/thoughts/quips aren't for everybody.  However, if you get a small giggle or have your mind opened a little bit, than that makes me happy.

If you don't like this, I don't give a shit

Through this blog, I hope to improve myself as a writer (yes, I have dreams to become a writer), piss people off, give you a piece of my mind, and hopefully help readers along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Love it bro. Yeah I said bro. For other commenters, me and D have said "bro" for a long time before it became associated with fratty "brah". You and (chin rub) are sorta inspiring me to finally start my own. Keep at it!
