Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Media, Manipulation, and Outrage.........Oh My!!!!

Wooooooooo!!!!!!  Time for my second post on..............

Let's All Scream Bullshit!

This article, if you want to call it that, will focus on a topic that I have wanted to write about for some time.  There has been a lot of attention on this particular topic over the past week and I really wanted to get my thoughts across.

Now.......you might be asking, "Derik, what topic are you speaking about?"  Most likely, you already know what this post is leading up to if you finished reading my last post and/or follow the US media very closely.  However, if you have been living under a rock for the past six months, allow me to enlighten you a bit. 

What is he about to talk about??!!

On July 12, 2013, citizens across the Unites Stated were surprised/angered when George Zimmerman was Acquitted of all charges in the death of Trayon Martin.  Many people have stated (over and over and over and over again) that this was a national tragedy that created a racial rift between the American people.  Furthermore, numerous people have also stated (again...over and over and over) that this showed a flaw in the American Judicial System and that something should be changed about it. 

When Tragedy Happens, the Celebrities Come Out to Play........Unless they See Their Shadow

Let's stop right here and reflect on everything we have seen in the media over the past few weeks.  We had numerous experts make appearances on television and talk about the "Stand Your Ground" Law that exists in the sunny state of Florida.  We've had a plethora of legal experts (I use the term expert loosely) go on the internet, television, radio, and blogs stating that this was going to be a hard case for the prosecution to win, simply, because they did not have enough evidence.  However, they stated that the Jury would still charge Zimmerman because he, as part of a better term, showed the character of guilty.  Do you remember all those news reports?  Do you remember Diane Sawyer going on national television, telling everybody, that George Zimmerman was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?  Do you remember other reporters stating that this was a national tragedy and everybody should show support for the Martin family.

Blah, Blah, Blah...........I haven't gotten laid in 20 years

Now, I'm going to get this out right now.  This article is not going to be discussing whether or not George Zimmerman was at fault or if Trayvon Martin was at fault, so if that is what you are looking for you can save the ten minutes and stop reading.  I would also like to point out that I AM NOT TAKING A SIDE, I am using this particular case to show the particular Mass Media Outrage we have grown accustomed to over the past 50 years.

Yes, I could use another case (Casey Anthony comes to mind), but I prefer to use this one because it is fresh in all of your minds.

As I was saying, over the past few weeks/months, the media has been uploading all the information of the Zimmerman trail into our brains via the unbreakable link, television.  Some might say that the media was giving us just facts so we could form our own opinions on the matter.  I scream BullShit on that one right there.  The media did not give us all the facts and only told us what we wanted to hear.  On some networks, they wanted you to hear that George Zimmerman was a monster and deserved to be thrown in jail.  Other networks wanted you to think that Trayvon was a "gangster thug" who was on drugs and ready to do the evil (yes assholes, I wrote it like that on purpose.....sarcasm people, sarcasm).  Basically, this trail was election year all over again, except we didn't hear about "who slept with who," "this guy supposedly served in a war," and "this guys hates babies and kittens."

The fact of the matter is, we have to ask the question, do we really know what happened?  Do we?  Yes, we can piece together and form opinions with the information we have.  We can take all the information we have and tell ourselves, "this is what I believe." 

Unfortunately, this is not what is happening.  Americans are sucking on the nasty teet of the mass media, licking it all up like it's the strongest supplement for the mind.  Due to the media and other organizations, George Zimmerman was found guilty even before his trial.

Mmmmmmmmm, Suck on the Teet of Misinformation
I will end on this note, we need to separate ourselves from the media and learn to form our own opinions.  Am I upset about the acquittal of George Zimmerman.  No....because he was judged by a jury of his peers; those peers formed opinions based on the information that was given to them.
I was planning on discussing POTUS' remarks on the trail, but decided I will save that for another time.
Whew*  I dodged a bullet there......must be my sparkling personality
- Derik

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. "Guilty Until Proven Innocent" is the media's motto...it's also a really shitty movie starring Martin Sheen and Brendan Fraser.
